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STAT 149: Generalized Linear Models

Undergraduate course, Harvard University, 2020

Course abstract: Sequel to Statistics 139, emphasizing common methods for analyzing continuous non-normal and categorical data. Topics include logistic regression, log-linear models, multinomial logit models, proportional odds models for ordinal data, Gamma and inverse-Gaussian models, over-dispersion, analysis of deviance, model selection and criticism, model diagnostics, and an introduction to non-parametric regression methods.

EDU S043: Multilevel and Longitudinal Models

Graduate course, Harvard University, 2021

Course abstract: Data often have structure that needs to be modeled explicitly. For example, when investigating students’ outcomes we need to account for the fact that students are nested inside classes that are in turn nested inside schools. If we are watching students develop over time, we need to account for the dependence of measurements across time. If we do not, our inferences will tend to be overly optimistic and wrong. The course provides an overall framework, the multilevel and generalized multilevel (hierarchical) model, for thinking about and analyzing these forms of data. We will focus on specific versions of these tools for the most common forms of longitudinal and clustered data.